I have been trying to put into words my experience when the Lord speaks through the music. I have asked the Holy Spirit to help me to describe the communication between the Father’s heart and mine. Click on the ‘About prophetic music’ below for understanding of what it is all about. Click on ‘ The Voice of my Beloved’ image and download a pdf booklet of the interpretations on most of the music available on this page. Be blesssed!!

What is Prophetic Music
What is prophetic Instrumental Music? This music is usually spontaneous and unrehearsed. It flows out of times spent in a place of worship and communion with the Lord. It is a musical, colourful picture that paints a picure which carries a message of what the holy Spirit is saying to His body. I have included interpretations of what I sense the Lord revealing through each track. I offer you these interpretations, while at the same time I realize that the Lord may desire to speak something entirely different to you. Simply focus on the Lord Jesus Christ and keep your heart open as you listen and bask in His presence. Enjoy communion with our Bridegroom! He absolutely delights in spending time with you. I have also included scripture references which I encourage you to meditate upon. Be Blessed!!

Carols Devotional
With the purpose of bringing understanding of the heart of God as the Holy Spirit imparted the lyrics to the composers of the carols which follow, I took time to meditate on the Treasure of the message contained in each carol. We sincerely seek to encourage and enrich those who would sing these carols and read the devotionals which accompany each one. We pray that as you, meditate upon the devotionals as well as the songs, you will enter into a deeper, joyful and purposeful walk with our living Creator, who in Genesis 1:31“..saw every thing that He had made, and, behold,it was ….VERY GOOD! ” blessings in His service, Alex and Cindy

About the 31 day Devotional
I want to know You Lord should be the cry of every born again believer in Christ. Embark on a 31 day journey pray the prayers, memorize and meditate on the scriptures, listen to the instrumental music on the Prophetic Instrumental music page. Spend time in the presence of your Creator, He loves you infinitely.
Joy to the world
Angels we have heard on high
Go tell it on the mountain
Silent Night
Away in a manger
As with gladness
O holy night
O little town of Bethlehem
Once in Royal David’s city
O come all ye faithful
Hark the herald angels sing
I know He is coming
Click on ‘The voice of my Beloved’ image and read all about the heart behind the spontaneous music below.
Abba Father play Your heart through me
Abba Father – As it was in the beginning!
Not recorded on the best sounding piano, but a precious memory to me.
At the beginning of my calling, as I sat behind the piano with both hands on my lap, my heart cried out, ”Abba Father, what is the use of putting a whole lot of music on a CD, if all people might say is ‘that is really nice music’ and then all go their individual ways without being touched, blessed, changed by You? Father, the only music that will change hearts is the music of heaven. But what is the music of heaven? What is the music of Your heart … what does it really sound like ?” I began praying, and as I continued, I felt a yearning and longing to hear my heavenly Father’s heart. God had been faithful, and the fellowship (church) I was part of had been
experiencing awesome times in His manifest presence. Yet somehow I know there was more, much more to this One who loved me so much and whom I loved. So my heart’s cry was “Abba Father, please … play your heart through
me.” After praying I just sat there quietly and waited … no familiar melody or song came into my heart … but after a while, I began to hear music, and as I listened, I just rested my hands across the keys of the piano. I sensed my Father
saying, “Play what you hear”. Slowly and softly, I started to play along with what I heard. The heavenly music the Holy Spirit was imparting to me was filling the room. I listened like someone
standing on the outside looking in. As the music progressed, I sensed tones of sadness coming through the instrument. While still playing, I asked my heavenly Father, “Father, are You sad?” The answer came, “Yes, My daughter,
the same relationship of love I have with you, I want with My people Israel. Please, as much as you love Me … love them, pray for them”. He continued, ”I love them. So My heart is that they too would drink from the fountain of life
found in My Son.” What followed was almost indescribable. I sat for a few more moments at the piano, convicted by my own lack of prayer for God’s beloved people, Israel. I have drunk from the wells of salvation, I enjoy a growing relationship with my heavenly Father, made possible by His Son Jesus Christ, a Jew, and I was enjoying our relationship so much that I had almost lost sight of what it cost Him. I really believe that the Lord Jesus Christ truly manifested His great love for us by His death on the cross. Draw near to Him in childlike faith, and He will draw near to you. As you rest in His presence, expect to hear the voice of the
Holy Spirit, as He reveals to you “The Father’s heart”.
The Father’s Call
Consider the Lilies
Like the dew of the morning
New Every Morning
Freedom – Beauty for ashes
Pleasures Forevermore
The Harvest is White
Heart Harmonies
Rejoice O daughter of Zion
A New Covenant o Israel
Dance with the Beloved
Fruit bearing Joy
Warrior Bride
The voice of My Beloved
The Trumpet sounds
Behold your Bridegroom comes
Come unto the mountain of Holiness
The story behind this track
I found it the most incredible, awesome thought that an all powerful, majestic, holy God would want fellowship with sinful man.