Important topics for our journey into eternity
Thank you for taking the time to visit my page, It is my hope that these short studies are a blessing to you. I was born in 1950 of Dutch parents and accepted Jesus Christ as my personal Saviour in 1979. Led by the Holy Spirit of God, I enjoy researching specific topics in the Scriptures, and writing short studies, in order to help you, my fellow believers gain a deeper understanding of such topics. Examples of such topics are ‘A Study of the Priesthood in the Old and New Testaments’; ‘The Fear of God and the Awe of God’; ‘The work and message of Reconciliation’ …
This is a brief study of the role of mediation within the context of the relationship between God and mankind. Relationship is initiated by God, not man, and therefore it is God who also makes mediation possible. Some prominent persons in mediatory or priestly positions in the Hebrew Scriptures or Old Testament were Abraham, Melchizedek and Aaron; in the Greek Scriptures or New Testament, the High Priesthood of Jesus Christ, the anointed Redeemer of all mankind (not just the Jewish nation) is on a supernatural and therefore infinitely higher level compared to the priestly role of any other human being in the Bible. The Son of God Himself became our Mediator, Saviour and Intercessor, and established a new covenant, a new foundation for the spiritual sacrifices to be offered by those prepared to follow their Saviour in becoming living sacrifices themseves.
A few years before his death in or about the year 68 A.D., the apostle Peter wrote the two letters commonly known as First Peter and Second Peter. This study or discussion of 2 Peter 1, verses 1 to 11, consists of three parts. The first, shortest part, is an introduction to chapter 1, focusing on the significance of the first eleven verses. The study as a whole also contains many references to other books of the Bible. The introduction entails Peter’s blessing upon his spiritual children and on how God also blessed them with ‘life and godliness’. Verse 3 is like a ‘key’ to Second Peter; verse 4 points to God’s promises to believers. Peter’s most pressing concern is that about false, misleading teachings having found their way into the Christian community which he addresses in both his letters. The specific group or church is not identified by name. Another concern was the persecution of his fellow believers by the heathen Roman authorities in those days. In order to strengthen (for eternity) his brothers and sisters, he urges them to “make their calling and election [by God] sure” by edifying their faith. He does this by telling them to add a number of ‘virtues’ listed in verses 5 and 6.The next part of the text is on the Essential (five) Points in the first chapter. The third and final section of the study is entitled ‘How shall we Respond ?’ This is addressed to today’s believer and is a guide to prayer and obedience to God’s Word in Second Peter.
Die Bybel maak duidelik dat God nie net bestaan, en dat Hy die Skepper van die heelal is nie, maar dat Hy ook ‘n uiters liefdevolle en genadige Vader is. Die Bybel is klaarblyklik ook ‘n duisende jare oue boodskap wat God deur die eeue gebruik om Homself aan die mensdom te openbaar en om die mens te laat verstaan dat hy/sy sondig en verlore is sonder Hom. Dit beteken dat die mens, sonder geloof in God en Sy vergifnis, geheel en al in ‘n toestand van onregverdigheid en vyandskap verkeer. Die kern van hierdie Bybelstudie is God se Geregtigheid. Dis juis Sy geregtigheid en genade wat Hom in staat stel om die mensdom deur middel van hul geloof vergifnis, Regverdigheid (of regverdiging) en versoening te skenk. Geloof in wat of wie ? In Jesus Christus, God die Seun, wat Sy lewe geoffer en wie se bloed gevloei het ter verlossing van die mensdom, om die mens van ewige vyandskap en veroordeling te bevry. Jesus se offer het die losprys vir ons regverdiging betaal, wat dit vir ons moontlik maak om God die Vader se aanvaarbare kinders te word en vir altyd saam met Hom en met Jesus voort te lewe en te regeer.