Alex and Cindy Nelemans
The Vision
WELCOME to our website! We are a couple in our senior years who would like to fulfill the great commission to be fruitful. We also desire to bless the body of Christ using the gifting and talents God in His goodness has invested in our lives. We are living in challenging times and so we seek to encourage, equip, strengthen and bless through the word of God, instrumental prophetic worship and song for such a time as this!
Thank you so much for giving us the opportunity to be a blessing to you as part of the body of Christ. God has invested much in the lives of many people, He has lavishly provided, equipped, gifted, called and commissioned men and women of God to carry the message of His glorious gospel to the ends of the earth. Sadly many of us are only now coming out of many many extended wilderness years of ‘refining the character to fit the mantel’. This was not God’s original plan for us, but by His great love, mercy and grace, He has brought us to the place of a blessed place of surrender to the our Bridegroom, Chief shepherd and lover of our soul, the Lord Jesus Christ.
God has called my husband to teach His word while He has called me as a prophetic psalmist (testimony on the menu). Yet while God expresses Himself through the fiber of who He has created us to be, the greatest call on our lives is the call to a close, intimate relationship with God Himself. Before we are human ‘doings’ we are human ‘beings’, we live and move and have our being in Jesus. [Acts 17:28]
And so we encourage you to tap in to the resources on this website and we pray that you will be blessed and encouraged on your journey with the Lord.
With every blessing in Him
Alex and Cindy Nelemans
The resources on this Website are absolutely free to download. Should you feel prompted by the Lord to give into this ministry, it would be greatly appreciated. The ‘How to give’ button at the bottom of this page will link you to the different options.
COPYRIGHT: Cindy Nelemans is the sole registered copyright holder of all instrumental music, the composer of songs and their arrangements, lyrics, faith building videos, devotionals and tutorial resources.
Please Note: This website is still in the process of being constructed, created and maintained, please bear with us. At the age of 71 God is teaching me all about working on a website!! I know it can only be a work of His amazing grace, He is so good.
Below are the links which will take you to the different pages available on this site. Please click the little ‘sideways arrow’ to read about the resources available for online viewing or free download.
Summary of Resources
Receive a message of exhortation, encouragement and prophetic insight to the heart of the Father in these times as the Holy Spirit paints a picture with music. Each track has a story to tell. Listen to the softer soaking music as you meditate on the scriptures which accompany the music tracks.
Biblical bible studies by Alex
Alex has researched different topics as lead by the Holy Spirit to dig deep into the treasures found in each one. Enrich your walk on the road of pilgrimage as you follow the Lord in these exciting times.
About this Resource
Devotional and Videos
Read the devotional, or listen to the instrumental music as you watch these beautiful scenic pictures of God’s creation with appropriate scriptures. Meditate on the word of God and be encouraged! Titles are ‘Waves of Peace’, ‘Grace upon Grace’, ‘Healing’, ‘Blessed’, ‘fullness of joy’, vocal music track ‘I will sing’, and much more.
Cindy’s testimony
This is a downloadable booklet of my life journey from childhood. Born with a facial deformity, I tell of the beginnings of discovering the God given gift of being able to play several musical instruments, as well as my life experiences as the Father in His faithfulness and goodness has led me through many a trial and challenge into a place of healing, victory and provision. And of course much character change as He has brought me to a place of being more like His Son Jesus Christ.
Worship team resources
This resource is the fruit of many many years of being part of worship teams. Seasons of character refining through many challenges experienced as the Lord has transformed me from ‘Orphan to daughter’ and from ‘servant to friend. I have also included chord diagrams on learning the Piano, Keyboard and Guitar. as well as charts on transposing songs into the different keys and how to use the capo.
The song of the Lord
On this page I will be uploading many many songs which the Holy Spirit has inspired me to write during the different seasons of my life throughout the years. I love the word of God and the songs will have scriptural content. There will be praise songs, throne room worship, declaration and songs of intimate worship. I trust that the songs will minister to you as they helped and strengthened me in those seasons. You are free to download these songs and their lyric/chord sheets, simply click on the song image. N.B. All songs will have been registered with the relevant South African copyright companies and have embedded ISRC codes.
Musical Instrument Aids
This page has a lot of treasure!! Very easy downloadable music teaching aids for Guitar and Ukulele to get you playing a gospel song with just two chords!